Spurs Fans Classy and best in the world?
Read here oh, and this
Read here oh, and this
See the loss here Read the article here
i wonder how much loot was lost.... Read here.
I can't stand this. So many dogs are lost everyday. MySa.com decides to make Duncan's missing dog a top story. weak. Story here
I never saw anything new coming up except for benches and a couple of Haunted Houses.
Much like the unoriginal graffiti that the artist jacked from austin, the city jacked the excuse for painting it over.... either way, I'm glad it's gone. Story here
now watch them make it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcI-RS8I7ns
Austin has one, why can't we?
Marynell Maloney died, on Thanksgiving!!! Story here
This, to me, is the equivalent of Ted Cruz reading Green Eggs and Ham... Story here